
The Life and Times of Steve Jobs

“Stay hungry, stay foolish.” One of my favorite Steve Jobs quotes.

For the last few minutes I’ve been staring at my Macbook, thinking about what I should say about one of the most inspirational figures in my life. I thought about sharing my close connection with Apple products, and how I felt when I finally “made the switch” to mac in college. I thought about watching Toy Story for the first time and being amazed at the innovation in animation. I also considered writing about my job at Mutual Mobile where I help companies develop custom mobile applications on iPhones and iPads, and how my job wouldn’t exist if Steve had never been born. But what I really wanted to share, was why Steve was such an inspiration for me.

Steve believed in creating value above all things. Everything he ever worked on was focused on creating something that didn’t exist before. He was crazy to try and change the world, but he was brilliant enough to do it, multiple times. Steve believed in creating products that users would need, not ones they think they want. He was authoritative, brave, intelligent and revelutionary. I encorage everyone to learn from Steve’s life. This infographic gives a great overview. Thanks to Infographic World, for providing it.

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