
The Quake in Japan

Quake in Japan

For those of you who haven’t heard, Japan was recently hit by 20 earthquakes, all measuring a six or greater on the Richter scale. Without a doubt this is the worst disaster to hit Japan since World War II’s nuclear attack on Hiroshima. To recognize this terrible natural disaster, here at Daily Infographic, we plan on posting only Japan related infographics for the rest of the week. For those of you interested in contributing to the cause, click here, this site was started by South by Southwest to raise money for relief.

Not only has Japan experienced at least six earthquakes, but was hit by a giant tsunami measuring 10 meters, as well as taking damage to their nuclear plants. In Sendai, one of the hardest hit cities, there have been reports of 200 to 300 bodies found on the coast. Along with all the human lives taken in this natural disaster, there has been damage done to thousands of homes, boats turned on their sides, and reports of fires breaking out in several areas. If you know of any other relief sites feel free to post in the comments section or on our Facebook page. [via]

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