
The New Lawyer

New Lawyer

Hello again, Internet. It’s your favorite infographic writer, Stewart. I know that I’ve remained somewhat mysterious and reclusive (as most great writers do), and so I thought I’d take the opportunity to open up and share more about my personal life. All of my millions of fans across the globe have been dying for a piece such as this, so here’s some meat for the wolves. I am currently studying English at Texas Tech University, and I plan on attending law school afterwards. For this reason, I have chosen this infographic as a personal interest. But if you, like me, are interested in attending law school, or even if you’re not, this infographic will help you see the pros of attending.

Employment for law school graduates is expected to increase 10 percent by the year 2020. Which means that your chances of employment will increase significantly in an already highly employable position. In fact, the number of law school graduates has been steadily  increasing since the 1970s. Law school requires a lot of effort, but in the end, it definitely pays for itself.

With the constant changing of laws and creation of innumerable law practices, becoming a lawyer is a great idea for anyone with the right mindset. There are several types of law that one could choose to practice, so it is also a very versatile course of study. So I urge you, Internet, to explore this field more thoroughly. [via]


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