
How to Survive the 2014 FIFA World Cup

How to Survive the 2014 FIFA World Cup

FIFA fever is strong here in Austin, Texas – blaring on almost every functioning television. Heck, we have it playing on Univision all day where I work! I’ve never considered myself a soccer fan (takes too long for the teams to score), but even I’ve hopped on the FIFA bandwagon and found myself meeting friends at bars to watch the anticipated games. For those of us outside of the hustle and bustle of Brazil, the FIFA World Cup in Sao Paulo seems like a THE place to be right now. However, there are some troubling aspects to Sao Paulo that might want to make you reconsider hopping on a plane and jetting over to the epicenter of the World Cup.

According to today’s infographic, if you’re visiting Brazil, you most likely won’t run into any problems. However, you must remember that Brazil probably isn’t as safe as your home country. Brazil has one of the world’s highest murder rates, not to mention the riots and protests that have erupted since before the games even started. In addition to that, Dengue fever is currently running rampant throughout Brazil, with 1.4 million reported cases in 2013. Don’t let my grim statistics detour you from enjoying yourselves at this year’s World Cup. If you stay alert follow the helpful tips in today’s infographic, you should arrive back to your homeland alive, and well enough to tell anyone who will listen about the amazing time you had at the FIFA World Cup in Brazil. [via]


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