
What You Need To Know Before Your First Tattoo

Tattoos have always been a slightly taboo form of art, but maybe that’s one of the reasons that we love them so much. From celebrities to your family members, odds are you know somebody who has at least one. You may even be thinking about getting one yourself. If so, here’s what you need to know before your first tattoo.

Around 40% of adults in the U.S. aged 26-40 have at least one tattoo, and that number increases every year. While still a touchy subject in some circles, tattoos are becoming more and more common. Even in the workplace, some businesses are starting to lighten up on their tattoo policies. The acceptance of this form of art may be slow going, but who knows? Maybe someday tattoos will be viewed as casually as makeup!

If you’re thinking of making the leap and getting your first tattoo, then it’s worth reading up on them a bit first to know what you’re getting into. Knowing how to take care of your new tattoo as well as knowing exactly what you want, are both very important. For example, if you’re worried about pain you may want to do some research into what spots to avoid when deciding your new tatt’s placement.

To get you started, here are 13 stats to know about tattoos in the U.S.