
How To Re-Focus When You’re Distracted

9 Ways To Focus A Wandering Mind

Each day we are flooded with large amounts of information from hundreds of different sources. Processing it all can become so overwhelming that it gets in the way of our responsibilities. You probably have at least ten other things you’re thinking about right now! Luckily, there are ways we can get our brain to refocus on the task at hand.

There are various theories as to why we tend to lose our concentration throughout the day. Scientists believe the main reason is a depletion in the energy reserves that our brains use to function.

Once your mind starts to wander off, you can try a few quick tricks to settle it back down. In recent years breathing exercises have been gaining popularity. Simply taking deep breaths and counting them in your head will bring focus back in a hurry.  

A surprising way to regain concentration is by chewing gum. Although the jury’s still out on the scientific explanation of this phenomenon, research results have shown that it’s true.  

These tricks and more can help you get your brain back on track when you need it. Just be sure you don’t find yourself blowing bubble gum bubbles during and important meeting.