
Learn More About Ice Cream, America’s Favorite Treat

The history of ice cream and its rise in popularity

When I’m stressed out, I always look for a sweet treat to indulge in, and ice cream seems to do the trick every time. Here are some sweet facts about the delicacy that is ice cream. Ice cream supposedly dates back all the way to the fifth century because Ancient Greeks liked to indulge in a treat that was similar to ice cream. Ice cream was finally introduced to America in the 1700s, and has grown in popularity ever since.

As if you needed another reason to look forward to summer, July is National Ice Cream Month! July earned the title in 1984, and we’ve all been celebrating since.

The U.S. may love its ice cream, but not as much as New Zealand. New Zealand is said to consume 7.5 gallons of ice cream per capita every year. The U.S. trails behind with 5.5 gallons. Australia claims the bronze with 4.8 gallons, while Finland and Sweden love ice cream equally, consuming 3.8 gallons per capita a year.

When you eat ice cream, you may experience that dreaded brain freeze. Did you know brain freeze occurs when ice cream touches the roof of your mouth?

Whether you’re 5 or 75, you can always enjoy a scoop of ice cream. For my fellow ice cream fanatics, here’s what ice cream from around the world looks like. Happy eating!
