
8 Pro Packing Techniques

8 Pro Packing Techniques Infographic

Here are some tips to get you ahead of the packing curve, even when you’ve been procrastinating dragging out the suitcase.

Using the space inside your shoes is smart, but make sure that they’re aren’t mad smelly before you stuff your undies in. It might be a good idea to put the things that you’re putting in the shoe in a plastic bag, then put them in the shoe in then put it all in another bag.

If you don’t need to worry about weight and just want to jam as much stuff in as possible, I highly recommend compression bags. You can get them quite cheaply on Amazon and they’ll save you a ton of space. If you’re worried about wrinkles, though, compression bags are probably not the option for you. Rolling has worked pretty well for me in the wrinkle-reduction department, but if you have to fold the thing in half before rolling it for it to be able to fit in your bag, that can create a crease.

For tips on a different kind of packing, check out our Holiday Shipping and Packing Tips infographic.

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