
11 Frugal Habits of the Super Rich

11 Frugal Habits of the Super Rich

Let’s take inspiration from the people who can afford to go nuts at the mall but don’t. 

Don’t spend more than you have, and ideally spend a good deal less. This is basic advice that we humans tend to have a fairly hard time following. Surely, if someone who can afford a new Bentley every month can go to the grocery store and walk past the sale wine then someone who will never be able to afford a Bentley in their life can, too. That is what I’m going to tell myself.

Living on a dollar a day sounds kind of like a fun challenge. Imagine how much you could save even if you could only pull it off for one month. But let’s be real, when I’m worth over a billion dollars I’m not even going to look at anything that’s not plated gold and lying on a bed of caviar. And screw having only two pairs of shoes.

If you’re looking for tips to save money that are more relevant to your non-millionaire life, check out our Nine Steps for Saving Money at University infographic.