
The Anatomy of an Outstanding Résumé

Anatomy of an Outstanding Résumé Infographic

The importance of resumes has been ingrained in me by my mother for a very long time, and she has worked in human resources longer than I’ve been alive. A good resume is vital to securing employment in today’s job market. When done correctly, your resume should show that your education, experience, skills and achievements reflect what is required of the job to which you are applying.

I have not sent out a single resume in recent years that hasn’t been proofread at least five times. And yet every time I do, I feel paranoid that my resume will be the one that gets tossed aside for not standing above the others. I’ve even been working on a complete renovation of my resume recently hoping to show off some of my design skills and making it eye-catching at the same time.

While resume design does matter, the quality of the content is key. Although this infographic says otherwise, the objective statement isn’t really necessary anymore. It has become replaced by the executive summary, which is where you explain who you are and what you’re looking for. It seems companies are more interested in personality than immediate goals.

My advice aside, take advantage of these helpful tips to improve your resume so that you are able to win potential employers over in a matter of seconds.


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