
Home For The Holidays

Christmas Vacation or Holidays At Home Infographic

If you’re a broke college student like myself, then you understand that getting home for the holidays can be quite the hassle. If I was to drive home, it would take me somewhere around 9 hours to get there. Talk about a pain in the rear. I had always taken road trips with my family when I was younger (driving two adults and five children was always easier than flying everyone), and so it was always somewhat entertaining, but road tripping by yourself isn’t as exciting. Also, having a 1994 GMC Suburban, this broke college student would find himself absolutely impoverished after the 500 miles it would take to get home.

So this year, I am traveling by plane, which will cost Americans also using this form of transportation on average $450. Unfortunately, I won’t be traveling in an interesting manner like 2.4% of Americans who will travel by train, bus, or boat this holiday season. The good news is that I have a warm bed to sleep in at my parents house, free of charge. Which allows me to avoid the $204 average per night stay I’d have to pay if I was to stay in a hotel. Hopefully I won’t burden myself this Christmas via procreation like 9% of holiday travelers will; our walls are way too thin for that. Happy Holidays! [via]



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