
What Happens When Smokers Quit

What Happens When Smokers Quit

There are parts of routine that are essential, that if tampered with, would devastate a person’s day. Without a doubt, there are things that everyone knows are healthy or unhealthy.

Smoking cigarettes provides a mental boost at most, but that’s it. There is no aspect other than appeasing the craving that could be healthy. In fact, being temporarily anxious and dealing with the craving is probably the healthiest thing for you. There is nothing healthy about smoking because it allows the worsening of your health.

Cancer is on the rise in the world. It is important that no one puts themselves at unnecessary risks of getting a disease that has taken so many–by indulging in a habit that isn’t moderated. An addiction to cigarettes isn’t a 3 a day type of addiction. It’s not like having a drink or getting high. Being a smoker is an all day event. Think about the time and money being lost. Quitting is worth it. [via]

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