
Marketer and Audience Insights on Social Media Worldwide

Marketer and Audience Insights on Social Media Worldwide

As many say, everyone and their mom is on facebook. Marketers too have found their place in the world of social media. They know what we search for on the internet and have the ability to customize the advertisements that we receive. It’s as if companies are telling us, “No, you can’t get away from the capitalistic society you live in, but may I ask what you’d like to spend your money on? What are your interests? Clothes? Cars? Miniature horses? Astrology? Viagra?”

The internet has allowed ads to become very personal. Like any good salesman, companies have the chance to know their customers intimately, and with the help of social media, this sales trick has become even easier. Marketers are in our heads y’all–they know us.

And according to today’s infographic, “when driving marketing success, social media marketing is considered nearly as important as the corporate website.” The more time we spend on facebook, and twitter, and other social media outlets, the more businesses are able to study who we are and what we like, and therefore, what we will buy. It seems “facebook stalking” is common among individuals, as well as within big companies.

Check out today’s infographic to learn more about social media and it’s promotion of brand marketing. [Via]

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