
The Rules Of Realizing You’re On a Date

Rules Of Realizing You're On a Date

I came across this infographic yesterday while browsing the GOOD site and was impressed by its precise portrayal of mine and my friend’s dating life–that is, until I realized that the creator of this infographic must certainly be from Austin, the city in which I reside, the city of eternal bachelors.

Dating is tricky, and for that, I have to give guys credit for their valiant attempts at becoming “more than just friends.” There are many different methods of tricking girls into going on dates (if that’s what you want to call them). Here are a few I’ve experienced: “I have nothing better to do today, want to go swimming at Barton Springs?” Then they insist on paying your $3 entrance fee. Another one I’ve experienced is the text message saying something along the lines of, “I just adopted a dog from Town Lake animal shelter. Look how cute it is.” Then they send you a photo of the most adorable pound puppy you’ve ever seen implying that you come over to their house to play with it. And let’s not forget, “I’m going for a run on the trail. You should join.” Which consists of you pulling every muscle in your body while they laugh and tell you how cute you are when you sweat.

Do guys understand that we don’t like to be seen in a swimsuit on a first date? That we prefer not to meet their dog right off the bat for fear of loving the dog more? That sweating and nausea are not attractive? And most importantly–despite how “laid back” we may be–that all we really want is to know that we are on a date? I doubt it. [via]

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