
Please Please Buy Me: 50 Years of Beatles Albums

50 Years of Beatles Album

I have a confession to make. I am a beatlemaniac. Urban Dictionary defines a beatlemaniac as “one who has an over the top or abnormal obsession and infatuation with the famous British rock group called the Beatles.” Yep, sounds about right. But, I’m not alone!

It all started when I was thirteen years old–a tall, gangly thing, with stringy hair and acne–my father took me with him to a local music store and picked up a copy of the newly released Beatles album, simply titled, 1. It was a compilation album of almost every number-one Beatles single released from 1962 to 1970. It came out the year of Y2K, and was coincidentally purchased by my dad the year he got a new car with a CD player. When I pulled back the CD case’s plastic wrap, struggled to get off its side bar-code sticker, (seriously, that’s thing’s the worst–thank god for music downloading!) and popped the red and gold disk into the CD drive for the ride home, the fab four blew my mind…

Their music gave me this overwhelming feeling of happiness, which was hard to come by at that age, mixed with an overwhelming urge to pull out all my hair and melt into a puddle in the backseat of the car. They were simple, and complicated, and most importantly, British.

Thinking back, that experience was my first acceptance of pop music. I was an odd little girl, who would run out of rooms covering my ears whenever popular tunes of the early 2000s started playing (Britney Spears, N Sync, Spice Girls, take your pick). But, pop music of the 1960s? I could definitely dig a pony to the British Invasion.

If any of you are also suffering from an acute case of beatlemania, I think you might enjoy today’s infographic on Beatles albums over the years.

Coo Coo Ca Choo. [Via]

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