New players often ask themselves how to master their abilities on card games, especially on those with higher odds of winning such as Blackjack. You canĂ¢??t become a pro if you donĂ¢??t master the very basic rules and strategy of the game. My first introduction to Blackjack came when I went on a cruise as a young teenager.
The casino was amazing to me. The lights, sounds, money – I was in heaven. Unfortunately the pit boss was not too keen on my presence in the casino. After being kicked out multiple times due to my young age I finally recruited my family to gamble for me.
Giving $100 to my dad, I said “put it all on black”. I lost $100 bucks and I haven’t been to a casino since. Not to say I don’t enjoy poker, though. I think poker is one of the greatest, most entertaining card games. I have a knack for Texas Hold’em and enjoy my Blackjack almost as much.
Today’s graphic will teach you the basics of the game and also give you some pointers, but beware new-comers, seasoned players will tear you apart. [Palace of Chance]