
The Ultimate Workout Nutrition Guide

Ultimate Workout Nutrition Guide

Behold the bible for every person on the quest to lose weight! Today’s infographic tells you what the best meals to eat pre, and post workout, for both cardio and strength training. Many people draw blank when trying to figure out when to consume their protein drink or what meals to eat before and after their work-out. I know I was really confused when it came out to picking out a protein supplement. I probably spent about 20 minutes in the aisles reading the backs of labels before I realized that their all the same darn thing. And trying to figure out when to drink it?? To many options!

Today’s infographic will get rid off all your questions concerning nutrition and help you adapt to a more beneficial diet. I’m hoping this will help me crash through the wall I’v hit with my workouts, maybe eating the correct foods will help me get the most out of my runs. Hopefully it does the same for you, enjoy! [via]

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