
Dine and Dish

Dine and Dish Infographic

With the rise of Instagram, blogs and lifestyle sharing, there has been a similar rise in the need to display daily meals. If you are going to blog and photo your life, it is reasonable that your meals, a very key part of each day, squeaks in. This food pairing leaves me hungry after just a brief glance at my Instagram or Pinterest feed. Today’s infographic gets into the statistics behind the food sharing phenomenon.

With just under 30% of consumers being connected to social media when dining at home and just under 19% being connected while dining out, social media users are exposed to their friends and followers’ eating patterns and habits. This can be helpful for restaurants, driving revenue through customer photo-sharing.

A rise in food websites has accompanied the rise in food sharing quite nicely. Sites like Yelp and Urban Spoon encourage users to post photos to their reviews, allowing potential customers to get a “taste” of what is to come. Are you a fan of the social-food-media combination, or do you prefer to keep your culinary choices to yourself? [Via]

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