
Wal-Mart vs. Amazon

Walmart Vs Amazon

To be frank I am not a fan of Wal-Mart, it is an awful company. I have nothing against big business, but Wal-Mart is a monster. Being from Austin, TX I’m a little bias towards local business, the very thing Wal-Mart runs to the ground. The way they do business screws everyone involved, but Wal-Mart.

Amazon on the other hand is a company I respect. Much younger than Wal-Mart they have reached a number one ranking in both retail brand marketing and customer service. As a student I have taken advantage of the free premium membership, giving me free shipping on already cheap textbooks. It’s hard to believe that Amazon started out just selling books when you see the the enormous selection they have now.

They also offer video streaming, mp3 service, and have the kindle. Wal-Mart has yet to enter the internet in a big way and they will have to do something really big in order to be able to compete with Amazon. Even with their enormous growth Amazon continues to be about the customer, ensuring timely shipping of products and great customer support.[via]

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